Jew's Harp by P.Potkin
Jew's Harp by P.Potkin
Jew's harp from famous Altay (republic in Russia) master Pavel Potkin in a protective case. Good sound and ease to use makes this small (about 7cm length) komus one of the best choices available all over the world - considering it price. This is a real musical instrument, completely handmade - not a stamped toy like "SNOOPY HARP" (which is not playable at all). Potkin's jew's harps are best of Altay komuses produced for sale - for its price. Usually it is first and most affordable step in the world of jew's harps. But there is huge amount of much more interesting jew's harps exist nowadays - which are easier-cleaner-louder-powerful and totally enjoyable than this, so- called "beginners", model. Look for "recommended by Oberton Pro" instruments for more pleasure. Jew's harp is one of the oldest musical instruments in the world with pocket size. Its rhythmic possibilities are endless and ability to change timbre in extreme, unusual ways are spectacular. Pure melodic playing with distinct overtones is possible too. It is easy to play and does not require musical training. To produce first sound, two frame ends must be hardly pressed to upper and lower teeth - not to lips - with left hand. Right index finger will be stroke reed elbow at direction, perpendicular to frame plane, inward and outward. The frame must not be squeezed with lips, teeth and hand! Jaw harp, juice harp, mouth harp, ozark harp, trump, jew's trump are obsolete or wrong names of the jew's harp. This name has nothing common with the Jewish people. Other names for jew's harp in various regions of the world are: vargan, khomus, guimbarde, maultrommel, munnharpe, kubyz, dan moi, mondharp, temir-komuz, morsing, morchang, doromb, parmupill. More than 1000 names are known.
- Master: Pavel Potkin one of the most famous Jew's Harp masters
- Features: original quality, clear sound, easy to use tool, made in Altai
- Material: brass, steel, array of cedar, leather cord
- Size: 67x30x5 mm