eMedia Piano and Keyboard Basics v3
eMedia Piano and Keyboard Basics v3
eMedia Piano and Keyboard Basics CD-ROM offers everything you need to learn how to play. Learn from over 100 step-by-step lessons with full-motion video demonstrations. Piano teacher Irma Justicia has taught at the renowned Juilliard School of Music. Learn from either the music notation or an animated keyboard. Songs include recorded audio, variable-speed MIDI and MIDI accompaniments. When used with a MIDI keyboard, you can get specific feedback on playing mistakes. Also includes a digital metronome and recorder. Animated Keyboard - displays finger numbers and positions as music plays allowing the beginner to always play properly Digital metronome - keep a steady beat with audio and/or visual feedback Audio with tracking - listen to live recordings or variable-speed MIDI tracks for songs and exercises with music highlighted as it plays Recorder - record & play yourself back to measure your progress Interactive Feedback - Like a live teacher Piano and Keyboard Basics gives you prescriptive feedback to improve your playing, simply connect your MIDI enabled keyboard and the teacher is in Video instruction - full-motion large format videos with Professor Irma Irene Justicia of the renowned Juilliard School of Music clearly demonstrating techniques and explaining music theory. Windows 8 and Windows 10 compatibility is achieved via a downloadable software update. If you own version 3.0, please contact eMedia customer service at to request your free serial number and update link.
- Includes full-motion large format videos which clearly demonstrates techniques, styles and explains music theory
- Learn from over 100 step-by-step lessons
- Includes a digital Recorder, Digital metronome & Chord dictionary
- Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OS X
- Includes full-motion large format videos which clearly demonstrates techniques, styles and explains music theory^Learn from over 100 step-by-step lessons^Includes a digital Recorder, Digital metronome & Chord dictionary