Everyday Recorder, Recorder Everyday! - Book & CD
Everyday Recorder, Recorder Everyday! - Book & CD
Westco continually strive for new product innovations and seek out and develop products that meet exacting expectations of quality, safety and musicality. Westco Music instruments are valuable tools to empower and positively impact the lives of those who play them or instruct with them. They are very often used in cross-curricular experiences both in home-schooling and classroom environments in order to create richer and higher levels of engagement.
- This combination of book and CD (with software for interactive whiteboards) contains everything needed by a teacher looking to create a fun and musical experience for their students!
- Everyday Recorder, Recorder Everyday! is an approach that progresses note-by-note incorporating the soprano recorder into the general music class instruction.
- The focus is on rote learning, playing by ear, and improvisation leading to notation and composition.
- The accompanying disc contains interactive visuals for each lesson in three formats: Smart Notebook, Promethean ActiveInspire, and Microsoft PowerPoint.
- The perfect materials for any classroom!